Interesting Discoveries.
INTERESTING DISCOVERIES . Eureka!Eureka!Out Of His Bath Archimedes Found BUOYANCY. William Harvey Found ARTERIES AND VEINS Also You See! An Apple On Newtons Head To GRAVITY It Led. Harnessing Lightning's Energy Benjamin Franklin Found ELECTRICITY! Edward Jenner Discovered VACCINES Where Disease Kills A Disease. Darwin Discovers EVOLUTION And The History Of Earth He Sees! Louis Pasteur PREVENTED GROWTH OF GERMS In Milk By Heating It Up. Dmitri Mendeleev And His PERIODIC TABLE Became Famous Right And Up! Lower In The Spectrum We Go H.Hertz Discovered RADIOWAVES Oh! RADIUM, POLONIUM, Radioactivity Brought the Nobel to Marie Curie. After Observing A Mo ld Mr. Fleming Discovered our first antibiotic - PENCILLIN DNA's Structure By Watson And Crick And Now We've Toured A Millennia So Quick!